Monday, July 31, 2006

Ok... today got few things to blog...
First, I have finally go cut my hair... well, went to cut my fringe to side fringe, kind of look funny or nerd to say...maybeI'm just not used to it, all right will show your the pic when Xuan upload the photo...went to cut over the weekend at far east with xuan, and while we were in the salon, we suddenly heard very loud noise of "gun-shot" sound, and the staff were like HUH? GUN-SHOT???? so they went out to have a look and its actually the sound of fire cracker??? Well...couldn't be right, here where can put fire crackers, some more in a shopping center??? Anyway after the hair cut we went jalan jalan and i saw some games competition downstairs, so the "gun-shots" sound must have come from there lah...ok after the hair cut i was quite satisfied coz at least some changes to my hair finally... but sun i went to work and after my hair dry liao hor, i found my hair damn messy and duno why at the back got a mark (i duno how to explain lah), then my hair damn curly lor... no traces of rebonding done before, anyway my last rebonding was done more than 1 and half yrs ago...duno should regret cutting this hair or not...haiz... =(

.....gosh... how long have i been waiting for this day to come and finally it's going to be dream come true for me, but frankly speaking, i'm on tight budget... so sad... haiz..hopefully things go well for me...nothing can stop me from going to this concert. Janice is going to accompany me to this concert...well... if Rain drops by in town, i will also accompany you to see him de, ok. If Kangta & Vanness drops by, i feel like going to see them also, love dorky Kangta, hehe, and the most impt thing, he is buddy with Hye Sung, there goes the saying "ai wu ji wu" =P and their 127 days is a very nice song but so sad mv...oh gosh... i feel like i'm so young again... so miss those ITE times where we always go idol chasing...haha...

went to watch Pirates of the Caribbean Daed men's chest and its so damn good, even though no ending but i enjoyed the show, the 5 sec shots after the credits was so damn lame but cute...haha, duno when the pt 3 will be out. watched it with micky & minnie mouse at the Cathay house, nice theatre, got those high class feeling, haha, worth the 9.50.

To Bud: Glad that your mum is ok liao ^0^ Take good care!

To Xuan: Take good care of yr health, u seldom sick wan leh and 39.5 still go work...haiz... u hor...

To Janice: Thanks for agreeing to acc me to Shinhwa concert, Gambatte on searching for new job.

To my Nike ex-colleagues: I so so so so miss your....

Monday, July 17, 2006

I'm on the extreme today..... EXTREMELY TIRED
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Fri night hang out with my gals (Lin, Ting & Jenny) we went supper at Mr Bean & went Mustafa after that, i reach home at 3.45am and sat I went JB (with Janice, Xuan & Hua), anyway this is the first time Janice went with us, that day reach home abt 11+pm and I'm extremely damn tired.... even though sun i rest at home, i still feel so tired at work today, my back aches, and i feel like my bones can crack anytime...ARGH...
gotta Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting early today.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life, so get wasted all of the time and have the time of your life!
- Tom Waits

Friday, July 07, 2006

Could someone get me an airtic to Shanghai now???? I wanna fly there now... SHINHWA's having a concert tmr at Shanghai... i wana go... =.(
Never mind... I think they are coming to Singapore in Aug or Sept...YEAH YEAH... they are having a concert in Thailand in Aug so most probably they will be staging a concert in Sept here... can't wait to see them Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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ktv@City Square

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Their TV is big and they have Tackey & Tsubasa song too, haha... good...
Quite cheap also but the drinks sucks man, haha

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Hong Kong cafe, the fried rice is really Yummy...