Wednesday, February 09, 2011

its a boy...
our family tradition... hahaha...
whatever la... healthy can liao =)

this yr CNY is a long holi... office closed from 2 - 8 feb....
super long... and mostly i slept throughout the holis... muhahaha
shiok man...

had a mini celebration in the office today... fun =)

i wonder hw much weight i have put on in a week.... hmm...

all right, time to slp...
nite my friends...

Thursday, February 03, 2011


this year we have new member in our family again....
a few more months down the road, everyone status is gona up one level... ^^
its 2.45am on 3 feb...
i'm painting my nails now... hahaha...
everyone... have fun & lets put on weight together ;)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

okay... just step into 2011, already got few big things gona happen this yr... hmmm...
all needs $$ TT__TT
gosh... big headache...
can let me strike 4D or nt.....

Saturday, January 01, 2011

unforgettable moment...

totally loving this expression~

still unbelievable expression...

he loves to do this action...

quite a number of ahjumma fans =)
Best New Actor award...