Thursday, February 25, 2010

stuffs that xuan got me

have been neglecting my blog for awhile... i'm so busy this month man... finally after sun event, this busy month will be over le... time for some rest liao...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

“Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own.”

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

好累 好累 好累噢!!!
bestow me strength to carry on...

can't believe this sunday is CNY liao... OMG...
time passed by like flash...

can't wait for my holis... will be spending my birthday overseas this year... yahoooooo
APR come faster ya...

oh ya... ceci & lily both agreed my temper change for the better liao.. hehe.. a good start... hopefully it will get better & better... hahaha
bt the black face is still my signature la... haha... just tat temper goes away easier/faster... in the past whn i bad mood, my face just goes bad whole day, nw a few hrs... haha... improve liao la... lol...

till my next post... take care friends...

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Saturday, February 06, 2010

went to review my asthma this morning, nurse anna and dr.siska that attended to me was great =) felt comfortable talking to anna, talk to her like a friend, she is o friendly =) dr siska looks young, told her the sharp pain i encounter recently on my chest and my now very sensitive face, haven been experiencing dryness & itchiness for awhile liao, thn she gave me gel to use for my chest & a cleanser & steroid for my face...
oh ya... i manage to slim down near 2kg since my last visit 3 months ago... hehehe.. HAPPY...

will be meeting the gals later for dinner, feel like taking a nap nw... sleepy @_@

Friday, February 05, 2010

early in the morning kena knock by a car, fucker driver... hope u get into accident soon... bloody idiot

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

sooooooo exhausted....
when is this gona end????
very busy feb >_<

*have been sipping some cold drinks recently, weather too unbearable, end up abit breathless again =(