Saturday, June 27, 2009

Transformers ROCK!!!

i just love Transformers =) i love Bumble bee... he's such a cutie =D

Like i have guessed, there's gona be a part 3, woohoo, coming up in 2012??

OMG... so long???

don't make me wait so long can?

Friday, June 26, 2009

can't wait to catch this drama xia... it's gona be out on 8th July, hohohoho... another new kdrama to watch =)
it's Ji Sung new drama after his long absence and there's Lee Wan too... HOHOHO
can't wait =D

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the side dishes

the not so nice VEGE only bibimbap

BBQ beef, they love it...

free kopi.. LOL... john so shock the cup came from inside the machine

went to esplande for korean lunch yest with boss, john & ban joo...
the restaurant 90% serve beef, thn menu abit of food only, so had bibimbap, its beef also... OMG, thn request to change to chkn or pork, tak boleh... idiot leh, so my bbb is just only vege lor, some more nt so nice =(
tried my boss cold noodles, haha.. 1st time eat, noodles really cold de lor... lol.. nt bad bt dun think many places gt this dish.
anyway won't be stepping into this restaurant again... lol

Sunday, June 21, 2009

tried the cup noodles that Land got in Japan...
Jap people are really damn creative...
this is a dry cup noodles, so u pour the hot water into the cup, thn drain out the water at the corner, the noodles won't even come out lor....

see you pour the water from this corner and drian away the water at the other corner...
thn mix the ingredients and u will have this

the noodles with maiyo~ nt bad sia~

had a good nap yesterday noon... haven been taking nap in the weekend for quite some time liao...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

finally tried the instant za jiang mian

hmm.. i miss the noodles that ban joo brought us to...

Monday, June 15, 2009

14 Jun 09 Sun
in advance celebrate Uncle's birthday since he is back in SG.
gave him the personalised stamps and he liked it =) he say so thoughtful of me... lol, of coz la, we all know he love stamps so much lor...
had our dinner at AMK central thn proceed to Uncle's house for durian =)



enjoyable evening though tiring~
12 Jun 08

went Hanabi @ Odeon towers for Janice bd celebration, food & other pics pls visit facebook
food and ambience was so so, table so small, service sucks also... haiz...
after makan, we camwhore till merlion there... lol... fun but tiring

self made present to janice

Saturday, June 13, 2009

land got me noodles when she was in jap =)
thanks gal

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Uncle Ben is back this weekend, going to have family dinner on sun and pass him his birthday present - the stamps =) since he love stamp so much, i guess our face on it would be priceless ba... lol
i seriously think that is such a wonderful present to him =D
let's see his reaction on sun.

tmr is Janice birthday celebration, we are gona have jap buffet tmr =)
hope its good.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

met serene for lunch today... walau she's so freaking late lor... 2.30 thn reach my workplace
she drove her company's van, so freaking cute lor... lol

finally went to customised my uncle's birthday, wanted to do ages ago lor...
this one abit nt that nice but still okay la...

older generations...

i'm liking the mickey mouse one
actually the mickey mouse one i wana do on our younger generation one... but the staff can't find the name, in the end the border is save in another name, idiot lor... haiz... who tell me to do the younger generation 1st lor...haiz...
1 set of stamps at $15.50, do 2 sets is 12.50 each... =)
so tired today~

Monday, June 08, 2009

just came back from the wake, little bro seems okay, but the worst day will be on wed...

we had a talk on the last few moments he had with his uncle
he told me he only went to see his uncle on fri coz previously he is having exam, as now his studies is being sponsored by his uncle, he dun wana dissapoint his uncle. he said when he went visit his uncle, he lose weight till his cheek sunk in already so he can't control his tears.. he was happy that jie came visit him, his mood was good that day, he want jie to go check up too, coz it might be "yi chuan"
his uncle hospitalised on last mon, fri jie went see him, sat he left this world liao
he was like waiting to see jie before he left, luckily jie manage to see him before he go
he really treat jie like his son lor, so feel like crying when i hear all these...
haiz... life is so fragile...
i love u all, my dear friends...
so... john didn't manage to get CANgaroo for me, instead he got us COLLA bear


my cow boy COLLA bear

Sunday, June 07, 2009

-when the pain is beyond description.

it pained my heart when i see jie's word...

jie hardly make people worry for him, but seeing his entry makes me abit worried...

he must be feeling very miserable but i know he will be fine soon, i got confident in him =)

messaged him yest and he replied he's fine and will stay strong for the family


Saturday, June 06, 2009

finally knew why weijie's entries recently so moody...

Aunt Lian just called me and informed me that jie's uncle passed away few hrs ago, lung cancer, discovered it in around a month only and it's the last stage already.
morning aunt called jie up and informed him that his uncle in critical condition so he rushed down to hospital, jie called his mum at 3pm, no words out from his mouth, only crying sounds were heard... aunt knew that his uncle didn't make it already

i have heard that his uncle doted him ALOT and they are very close
hmm... when my aunt told me he heard jie cried on the phone, i also cried lor... cry coz "xin tong"jie... he is always a strong guy, to cry till like that must be hard... feel like giving him a hug

i still rem few yrs back, 1 of his close friend passed away, he told me his gang of brothers din shed a tear until the last day of funeral, a bunch of black guys all crying... see how strong he have been...

your uncle has gone to a better place and i know like usual he will be protecting you from above

Friday, June 05, 2009

conversation with john this morning

john: *cough cough*
me: john, 你到底要不要戴 mask的?
j: 你年头咳到年尾,我都没有说什么,现在你这样讲我...
m: LOL

sensitive period mah... some more just come back from melbourne leh... walau...

john brought back doughnuts for us to eat... LOL

today's lunch @ somewhere in geylang, nice, satisfying and so full lor

i 4gt wats the dish name... it's pork anyway

steam fish head, very fresh

tofu with prawn... yum yum

sweet & sour pork
still gt 1 vege dish, but i din take the pic... lol

Thursday, June 04, 2009

today marks my 2nd yr in hwee seng, time just pass so freaking fast... OMG
my boss brought us out to Burlington Sq for lunch at BK, thn head over to the korean super market, haha... buy & buy happily... spent $15.20 there -_-" no $ still kept spending... shit...

snacks, zha jiang mian & kimchi...
thn this shop gave free gifts (stuffs that are going to expire soon)... i've got sweet & noodles, noodles i gave lily and the sweet i gave john, ceci gt cookies, but the cookies no expire date de, so she gave to john... lol.. see how well we treat john, we "dote" on him so much... LOL
john's table... filled with "our love" LOL
john is nt back today, his plane gt problem so delayed his return... lol..

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

i think i'm near to forgeting john's existance liao... lol
yest he called my boss, my boss nt on her desk so i picked up the phone, i abit slow for 3 sec thn i realised it's him... lol.. he say so fast 4got his voice liao ah... ahahaha...
it's peaceful these few days and i got ceci to suan to replace john... lol
he's coming back tonite, would be in the office tmr, bt can he go quarantine himself 1st? so scary lor, australia already 400 cases already... argh... hope he is ok... hehe.. so fake of me.. muhahaha

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

just took a simple test, simply keying my birthdate and the result is:



so i really need to migrate to Korea la... LOL

so freaking sleepy today @_@
1st Jun 09 Orchard hotel ballroom
Tony's wedding

the couple

so cute

me with the lamest buddy Fraddy.. heehee...
this guy nvr fails to brighten my moody days =D

met my pri sch mates mum-to-be Ailing

ex Vin Mart staff, Jon & Weiqiang

seriously the food nt nice lor... lol.. me & fraddy kept complaining.. hehe...
so in the end i din tie the ribbon on my dress... haha.. i just slip the ribbon on, looks fine to me so i just dun tie... lol