Sunday, May 31, 2009

dress checked

shoes checked

bag checked

ready for tomorrow's wedding dinner...

finally can wear the dress liao.. and the bag... bought last yr in BKK, and the shoes... i tink bought it like 2 or 3 yrs ago in KL... LOL

just one question... how to tie the stupid ribbon on the dress... it just doesn't turn nice when i tie... ='(

casaurina prata, ate till damn full

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

conversation that happened this morning.
john sent email to his buyer to inform his leave from tomorrow onwards, thn someone was asking him go where? he wanted to spell koala bear but do not know so he asked me.

j: pauline, how to spell koala bear? izit COLLA
p: (upon hearing CO i burst out laughing liao) what CO? you wana drink coke?
j: how to spell la...
p: KO la...
j: oh... so is KOLLA ah?
p: LOL again... i din notice how he spell the back at the begining coz i was concentrating on the CO this 2 words... i laugh until tears come out lor...
j: (laughing also) so funny meh?
p: ya la... so freaking funny lor....

thn after awhile i told him rem to bring kangaroo back for me... haha... thn he say so kangaroo is spelt as CANgaroo izit?
me: LOL again...
he purposely spelt wrongly but its so freaking funny lor...
i told him to hide into kangaroo's pocket if he loses in boxing with the kangaroo

gona miss his crap these few days man...

Monday, May 25, 2009

24 May Sun 09 5.48pm conversation on sms

boss: i going tiong bahru to buy chwee kueh for breakfast, u want?

me: yes pls

boss: 4 6 or 8 pcs?

me: 8 LOL

boss: ok LOL

so this is the very yummy chwee kueh, nice man... ops.. i ate 2 already then take photo one... keke
i hardly finish any "cai por" in chwee kueh but this is really nice lor, nearly finished all the "cai por" inside... just abit oily though...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

nice omu rice with pork cutlet & curry, dinner with cecilia @ bugis shokudo on 21 May 09

just finished watching 峯从那里来, a 林峯 sort of documentary where they film his hometown in Xiamen & talks about his life =) sooo nice.. can really see he like very rich lor... LOL
actually i quite like his show, eye candy =)
thn recently watch 溏心風暴之家好月圓, fall in love with him again... LOL
some of his songs damn nice also.. hehehe

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Know more about asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects your airways. Your airways are tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. If you have asthma, the inside walls of your airways become sore and swollen. That makes them very sensitive, and they may react strongly to things that you are allergic to or find irritating. When your airways react, they get narrower and your lungs get less air. This can cause wheezing, coughing, chest tightness and trouble breathing, especially early in the morning or at night.

When your asthma symptoms become worse than usual, it's called an asthma attack. In a severe asthma attack, the airways can close so much that your vital organs do not get enough oxygen. People can die from severe asthma attacks.

this is the symptoms i have last fri @_@
it can be quite fatal...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Bud is back to work today =) hehe
but wed on leave til fri again, coz fri her last paper
i miss her leh, it's been a month since i last saw her, the last was my birthday celebration.. LOL
told her my asthma back last fri, as usual nag again =
nag me to no cold drinks & chicken... HAIZ

so sleepy after lunch...

oh ya... got a red bomb phone call after lunch, LOL
dongli's wedding on 1st Jun, so freaking rush lor.. OMG, last mth still tell me is end of the yr lor... hmm.. sense something fishy... ask shuihua later... keke

wana go home watch seung gi's drama.... time so slow today... haiz...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

walau... i din't shed a tear watching moonlight resonance leh...
why huh?
other people cry like hell and i din even shead a bloody tear...
hmm.. hehe.. some part, i din watch properly la... LOL
i was playing bejeweled blitz in FB... hehee
but the song that raymond lam sing one, damn nice.. check out the song in my FB =D

Saturday, May 16, 2009

finally got back my lappy and i didn't even step back to singpost..
intend to collect my lappy on thur after work, thn thur noon i gt a phone call frm HP, my lappy is still at HP, nt singpost.. walau.. abit fed up, anyway the lady is nice to offer to deliver the lappy, and i asked her do i need to pay, she say since its under warranty, no charges at all, so happy, so my laptop was delivered to my office on fri noon =)

nt feeling well yest, my chest hurt.. it hurt when i breathe too hard and cough too hard, so i went back to the doc, i went to see co doc on wed as the flame inside my throat very long liao... i tot it was the med that made me like tat, in the end the doc say its my asthma... my airway is too tight so i feel abit pain on my chest =(
actually this is not the 1st time i encounter this problem =(
doc gave me mc but i still work as usual as i need to wait for my lappy to arrive and after work i'm mtg hua for dinner, after lunch take the med, walau, abit too strong, my body feels abit weak, no energy like that but i still hang on tight.. LOL.. duno why.. anyway yest quite tiring... but i din have a nice sleep last night and i woke up early today =( din even nap today also.. so sad
my chest no longer feel stuffy & pain liao.. the med is taking it down =)
frankly speaking, duno why but i dun feel like admitting i gt asthma.. dun ask me why..
so sad that my body system is just so weak... my thyroid just got better and nw i got asthma
haiz... why does all this just falls on me???
i wonder...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

this morning 小强 greeted me in my breakfast bee hoon
FUCK man, lucky i haven eat lor...

lily save my stomach with this...

Monday, May 11, 2009


fri 8 May
went singpost straight after work since hua asked me to go collect my lappy before mtg her if nt too rush liao, reached there and was told my lappy still not in yet... WTF... i even asked the guy that called me, is my lappy at singpost paya lebar liao, he say YAH... KNN... anyway went to the counter to personalize my stamp, waited for ard 1 min or so, nobody came up, so fine.... i just left coz hua is waiting for me... i kind of had enough of the service at singpost paya lebar... SUCKS TO THE CORE

met hua to go T3 for popeye... hehe.. ordered a 2 pc chicken meal with a large mashed potato... so freaking full, after that went bedok walk around and find a shw i wanted to buy thn head to the market for dessert, freaking full lor... ate till i tink my tummy wana burst liao... LOL

sat 9 May
nap from 1+ all the way till 6+
HAHA... i had a good sleep lor... SHIOK

sun 10 May
do laundry, online, play Bejeweled Blitz in FB... haha.. yeah.. my score beat serene ang's one... WOOHOO

Sunday, May 10, 2009

In love with A lin's song at the moment...
many of her sing is really nice =)
actually get to know her song through "chao ji xing guang da dao"
alot of contestant sang her song...
i love 四季, 荒唐, 难得, etc..

Friday, May 08, 2009

haiz... thought i can go home earlier yest, after makan wana run liao, in the end, so few people nia, so paiseh to run, in the end stay till 9+ at andy's housewarming -_-"
lucky mike(promoter) sent me & ah kok(warehse uncle) home, if nt sure have to take cab coz the place abit inconvenient...
nice condo but the buildings are so cramp that you can see what the others are doing -_-" that's the minus point... the condo gave me a feeling like resort houses =)

my lappy is finally repaired =) hope i can rush down before 9pm to singpost today, provided that i can straight away find a seat at popeye later, if not gota go take on the weekend and i'm so lazy... wana slack at home this weekend... broke liao... LOL

Thursday, May 07, 2009

sooo busy this week..
everyday after work got things on... haiz... i wana watch online show... LOL
okie.. i know anytime can watch one... -_-

mon - went ktv & movie with janice
tue - treat jin for dinner @ Togi for her bd, dissapointed with bi bim bap =(
wed - went cut hair & meet janice for dinner
thur - andy's house warming
fri - mtg ah hua for popeye =D
weekend i'm so gona stay at home watch my online show...

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

the sweet for john.. haha.. he said we share share..LOL we all like this sweet, hehe

my lunch today... lunch @ crawford lane again... forgot what fish liao...LOL

having a great companion to ktv & movie just makes me feel alot better yesterday...

went to amk kbox, and while singing halfway, 2 staff came in and said there's a game session with customer, if the staff win, we will have to take photo and pay $2 for the photo and if we win, there will be free drink per customer, so we both think why not? haha.. so janice let me play with 1 of the staff, oh.. we play cards and simply see who gets the bigger card... and so i go first and get a 5 the staff got a 3... LOL... i win... YEAH...
so total we have 3 drinks... OMG...

did not have too much voice left to sing, so we went off at 6+ and did some window shopping before watching 7.10pm 252 Signal of Life, nice jmovie, teared abit at the ending... HAHA... someone cried too..hehe..
after movies faster rush to ntuc to get sweet for John... haha...

passed the sweets to John this morning, haha.. he knew i got him sweets coz i ask him to guess what i got him... haha...

upload pics after i get home... keke...
stupid hp cable can't find it this morning...
so sleepy...
togi later =) yum yum

Monday, May 04, 2009

i have an understanding boss =)
thank god for that...
she knew i'm under the weather so she let me took half day...
and honestly i told her i go meet friend... LOL
Under the weather today

mood is so bad that i did something bad to john and felt remorseful later, but i did apologise to him later on.
must be the pre pms mood swing again...

janice also no mood so we are going to take half day & meet up later
hopefully will be better afterwards...

hope i dun overspend... tend to start shopping when my mood gets bad...

Saturday, May 02, 2009

finally brought my lappy to service... LOL
i tink it has been nearly 1 mth i left it untouched..keke
anyway so glad singpost has a drop off service on HP =) saves my trouble...
wanted to personalised stamps after getting my lappy drop off, thn went to the counter, abit nt very satisfied with the service, as i only have hardcopy of my photo, the staff did not know how to handle it and ask me whether have i have thumbdrive for the photo, of coz i do not have la, then she told me it would take some time, it was around 3.30 at that time, and singpost close at 4pm on weekend, then she came over and told me she quite new(everyone else was busy attending to other customers) then she suggest why not i come back on mon instead.... KAOZ... so idiot lor... -_-

after singpost went to long john & tabao food home, ordered a fish & ckn meal with a clam chowder to go along, and when i reached home i saw a packet of fries inside my box... fuck... no wonder the bill came out to 9.50.. KNN.. service so slow & so fucked up service... WHEN DID I ORDER THE FRIES.... wana vomit blood lor...

after eating went to "tui" my poor hand & leg... and this is the outcome


Friday, May 01, 2009

is the only word i wana say today...