Wednesday, April 29, 2009

a nice comedy romance flick
the indian family is just hilarious man...
nice show =)

Monday, April 27, 2009

lunch treat by asst sales manager (BJ) today, korean restaurant some where near shenton way~ beside the Da Chang Jin

yaki man du

na cho yuk, its pork with lemon sauce... yum yum

gan za jang noodle... finally tried for the 1st time... nt bad... the noodles is chewy de lor =)

nice kimchi
everthing is yummy, eat till very de full lor =)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

24 Apr 09

after work head down to pacific plaza with jin for true yoga... we tried the hot yoga... freaking hot lor, when jin opened the door, we both had a -_-" look, coz the air is hot one... i seriously thought i can faint there man... but after awhile i got used to it and managed to survive the 1 hr lesson =)
unsucessful in trying to make us join as member, anyway the consultant is soft lor, so quite ok... LOL
it was near 9pm when we walk out of pacific plaza thn we head down to orchard tower for authentic thai recomend by jin... its really yummy and all cost $39, not too ex...

pad thai

chicken wrap in pandan leaf

fish cake

omelette with mince chicken

so full lor... haha

sat morning woke up, very happy coz can't feel any where pain until i got up from bed.. the pain is in my tummy area... OMG... so pain, it pain when i coughed & laughed =(
i told hua i feel like pasting the salonpas on my tummy area, coz muscle pain... she really tot i wana do that... LOL

26 Apr 09

met hua to ikea tampines yest afternoon, had lunch at the cafe.. hm.. nice & satisfying lunch, bt i din take pic..LOL, had poached salmon, soup of the day & chicken wing... all so yummy =)

after ikea, head to tampines 1, went shop @ uniclo... so crowded lor +_+" bt the fitting room not so many people la... so japanese lor, even had to take off shoe whn go inside fitting room, it was ard 6.30 when we left tampines, thn take bus head to changi airport T3

i wanted to try popeye and thats why we are in T3... LOL... yum yum, so much nicer thn kfc lor, coz kfc's chicken quite dry bt not popeye.. bt the crowd at popeye is not joking one lor, luckily we manage to find seat within 5 mins.. hehe, bt share table with others lor =(
thn at 1 point the q was sooo terrible lor... like have to wait at least 20 min to be your turn that type lor... ridiculous... luckily whn we buy food that time the q still not so long...

after dinner and some window shopping, we wana go to viewing mall, while walking to viewing mall, i saw this very cool telephone... can make call, dl music & play game... haha.. we so tortise in T3 lor... OMG... we went to T2 viewing mall and had some talk, it was 11 when i reached home.. so tired...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dear you-know-who-you-are

so sorry to hear the loss of yr grandpa today, glad you are not really affected(i hope is not a cover up)

anyway, take good care okay?
nice to chat with you today, you never fail to make me smile always =)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

even my mp4 is wishing me... so cute when i saw this in the morning...

dear friends
thanks for all the well wishes, gifts & dinner =)
tiring day 2day... was kena wake up by my dad at 5+am, he thought the door was latched, wich was totally nt at all lor... wake me up for nothing...

gt up at 8.30 to go polyclinic review my bloodtest on thyroid, result is normal and nw i only need to go back check up yearly, hw great =)

went to have aroma resonace detox body therapy done at atos wellness this afternoon, free bd coupon sponsored by aia, lin's bf sent me the coupons and then after that found out lily's daughter works under atos wellness so i asked her to make appt for me today... =)
1st time do body therapy wich is so into physical contact and it gets ticklish at my certain weak point... haha.. well after the therapy, thy din managed to convinced me into buying their package =) i very firm one k... hehe.. one of them gave me a very bad impression when i consistently say dun want... hmm... well never mind... nt in the mind to heck care her... keke.. and so i left w/o having to pay anything at all and enjoyed a body therapy... hehehe...

oh... btw.. today thn i know someone is a silent reader here... haha...
HELLO~ you know who you are right??? hehehe... take good care dude, lets meet up soon with lin...
it is really happy to know i gt readers in my blog, makes the blogging even more fun =D
people... tag me la.. let me knw who is the silent reader here... hehe

so tired now... i tink i need to rest early today~

dinner @ Jumbo, i wanted to eat chilli crabby~

went singing at Macau, its actually a club where gt ladies to sit with if you want, the 3 of them really take good care of me lor... when we went in, john auto walk behind me lor, thn my boss lead me to the toilet and she sits at the door there to see i came out from toilet liao or nt, she so scare i kena kidnap lor -_-"
i did a jay chou concert there...LOL... wanted to sing with john on jay's song bt he left earlier... anyway sing till my voice abit hoarse this morning... sang til ard 12am and we left... enjoyable night =)

the only group photo
john- my boss christine - me - cecilia

gift frm john

frm boss & ceci, totally matches my hp =D

Monday, April 20, 2009

strawberry choco from my boss frm Jap~ and my acne cream... haha...

yoku moku.. yummy =) if you people head over to Jap, must buy this...

john brought us to this famous western food @ crawford lane kopitiam for lunch... yummy... after finishing this, i was soooo full and bloated =( even felt like puking coz recently too much good food liao, stomach can't digest man... LOL...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dinner with Lin @ Xin Yuan Ji
nice charcoal fish head steamboat

surprise birthday cake

its so funny at this part lor... LOL
Lin bought the cake & went to the restaurant to keep the cake 1st before meeting me, thn when we finished our dinner, she made a call and said it's very noisy she wana go outside take the call (i was not suspicious coz the restaurant quite noisy) thn when she came back awhile, i told her can go foot the bill liao so she passed me the $ and i went to foot the bill, thn after paying, i see her still sitting down so i signal her to go, thn she still nt standing then asked me go back to the table, thn when i got near, i asked her why dun wana go? she then told me got cake lor... then i was like HUH? oh.. okie... haha.. actually when she went to take the phonecall, she actually went to ask the staff to take the cake out, who knows the staff so damn slow lor... LOL... so damn funny... anyway i was still surprised =) thanks dear...

shopping at the new bugis shopping center...

my present from Lin & Jen

18th Apr 09
Enjoyable evening~

tonkichi @ suntec
advance B day celebration

~17th Apr 09

Friday, April 17, 2009

9 Apr 09

Bliss cafe at Punggol Park

Xinmin Primary School Gathering

anyway its really fun, nice mtg kelly after so many yrs lor...

gathering really must have serene around, she's the atmosphere maker... LOL

we had so much fun... chilled till 1+am thn head back, i bought xuan along too, had a dinner together before she flew back to france... she enjoyed our conversation too =)
hope the next gathering would be also as fun!
last day of freedom 2day

next week is back to normal...

this few days there will be lots of makan session... argh... going fatter & fatter liao leh...
tonite mtg janice & hua, tmr mtg lin & jen, next tue my boss treat...
going rounder & rounder ='(
haiz.. nt anticipating this yr birthday... maybe whn we aged, we really dun tend to care about birthday liao... lol..
i just only know wed i'm on leave, need to go review my report... thn i wana go do something relaxing.. hehe..
i haven send my lappy to repair... aiyo so damn lazy lor... at henderson... my god..
last week & this week really is no mood to work one lor... keke

Thursday, April 16, 2009

conversation with weijie today

jie: stress = many tasks avail = wun kena 'pork' by com.
nt stress = biz no gd
= sayonara

me: ahaha

sometimes the conversation with jie is so funny... LOL
thanks for sending me so many songs, haha..

so sleepy today... dun even wana wake up lor... ARGH...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Carousel at Royal Plaza
hm... food wise nt really that nice lor...
i tink the nicest section is the desert section... yummy cake =) LOL
paid ard 40 per pax, certain card having 15% discount...
when we wana go off, there's a pastry shop just in front of the counter so lily & me went to see cake, coz we ate 1 cake very nice, wana see got sell or nt, in the end dun have, thy gt new york cheese cake, and lily offered to buy me for my birthday =) so nice of her.. hehe.. the cheese cake is NICE lor... keke
so happily as a small gal, i walk out of the cafe with my cheese cake =)

see the red spots?
i CURSE the watever that bite me into this

Monday, April 13, 2009

my bd present =)

treat from Jin~

Sunday, April 12, 2009

it was a short few sec if i'm not wrong...or probably longer?? but i definately heard it...
DBSK - RISING SUN heard on fast & furious 4
i was grining =) when i heard the song, i believe Jin din notice that... haha
thanks for the treat =)

Friday, April 10, 2009

my lappy spoil ='(