Sunday, April 27, 2008

26 April, Sat

Xuan came pick me up at noon, she drove her bf's car and she bought her little cousin, Terrence along. Went chinatown with her to pick up toiletries for her France attachment, everything she bought is x5, shampoo, conditioner etc... we went to buy luggage too.. haha.. she bought 2 i bought 1 then we got more discount.. keke... my old one spoil liao, kena crack T__T so damn sad, my 1st & favourite luggage, its cheap, still rem i bought at watson for $49, 4 wheels lor.. such a good catch...

we sweat alot lor, then some more we carry so many stuffs still got to look after the little fella... he damn cute lor.. saw me damn shy thn don't want to talk to me... but after that he became comfortable with me, he will play with me... so cute leh... at least he is not those very noisy kid =)

was so damn shag after all the shopping, met mum & bro at amk for dinner thn went shop awhile at amk interchange...

it feels kind of sad knowing that xuan is departing in 2 months time...
though i know she will survive there but a gal leaving hometown is so lonely, esp when sick, no one looks after you, haiz... feel like crying liao T__T
i duno will i be able to save enough to go france find her or not, at least 3K lor... haiz... we shall see how ok...

we bought the same series... hehe.. this is the big one... xuan bought this size & a smaller one... we paid $100 for 3 luggage...

2 big bags fill with clothes & show... she borrowed show from me to bring to france...haha...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


26 today... gosh.. so old liao...
these few days eat & eat til i very xian...

i'm on leave today, yest my boss treat to swisshotel ellenborough cafe, ate till damn full, haha... the durian paste is to die for.... hehe...
she & ceci gave me a necklace but was too short, so ceci took back & change the necklace, so will upload the pic once i get it. =) reached home around 10pm, damn shagged =( coz recently body system abit weak again, down with fever & flu...

i start to silence my hp since 11+ yest and by 12am shuihua was the first to wish me, actually he did not really count the first lah... coz serene last week already wished me liao, she say she scare she forgot...haha.. thn while eating at swisshotel, Micky msg me also, wah piang all so fast lor... haha...after Shuihua is Jindi's msg... was watching fated i love you online & then play with friendster's game till 3am, turn on my tv to watch KBS drama til 4am and slept like a pig till morning... and when i woke up, i was so happy that my hp was on silent mode. WHY?

@ 11.45am

then at 12.06pm

at least i manage to sleep so nicely w/o any noise...hahaha
but i really felt so much Photobucket from you all...
Photobucket to all those sweet friends... love u all =)

18 Apr at MOF


my salmon set



Siew Hua

Janice, bought at taiwan & mask too


oh... going to have sore throat soon... take care my friends...
and wishing myself 身体健康, thats all i ask for this year... Photobucket

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

wow... i cried today T__T
its about work stuff anyway... but its over... i'm ok now...
i always entertain myself with shinhwa whenever i'm down... seeing them makes me happy =)

pm leave today, medical appt @ 3pm... well.. the doc increase my med =( from 4 puffs to 8 puffs everyday and have to take 6 tablets every morning for 5 days.. argh... side effect... my appetite will grow... SHIT man... tats wat i hate to hear... anyway really make appt very fast lor, by 4pm i was out of amk polyclinic =) and the doc was the friendly female doc, hehe.. i quite like her... i was attended by her once before

so tired...
was browsing through a celebrity blog and found this nice quote to share with your...

Missing someone gets easier everyday.
Because, even though it is one day further from the last time you saw each other,
it is one day closer to the next time you will…

Sunday, April 13, 2008

KAO.. tot i was suppose to have some wealth luck this year? 3039 i bought last week after praying my ancestors, i fill out the thing & pass to mum to buy, then this week i didn't buy, mum bought instead and she won... anyway, wats not mine really not mine lor... Photobucket btw 3039 my ic no la~~ hehe
met mum yest to amk central, she wanted to buy gold stuff for her colleague's new born BB gal, so we hang around and i reached hm ard 6+, went shower & i heard my hp ringing... came out & saw mum missed call, call back and the first word from her mouth: "妖怪,电话响这么久,为甚么没有接?" "我在冲凉拉" i was so angry... esp the 妖怪 that word...well thn she ask me gt buy 3039? coz she remember i bought last week, i say nope & she said 开三奖leh, IDIOT man, y i didn't buy 它妈的, anyway mum bought & she won 1K, she would gif me $100.. hehe.. my bd present from her... keke
after the phone call, i made preparation to go out meet Lin & Jen at bishan, Jen juz came back from her japan trip, her pics are making me so tempted to go Jap~~~

sovenir frm Jen's trip

my 1st bd present this yr frm jen

the new koko krunch duo~ hmm.. i still prefer the original choco favour..

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

tue morning... mood quite ok... just that i kept coughing recently coz sun went to pray my ancestors with my family & went to chinatown & bugis to shop, freaking hot weather & i can't survive without cold water, so mon i kept coughing non stop, today at least better... =)

was checking out air tic to france, wah piang... damn ex leh... the airtic alone at least 2k liao... i need 2 yrs to save and by the time i can go, Xuan will be back from her attachment liao... >__<>___<

a promise made & finally this year it's all coming true... =)