Saturday, March 29, 2008

29 Mar 08

Met Lin to go body shop sales at suntec, aiyo, whole day shop non-stop & my pocket now a big hole

had lunch at pasta waraku, our 1st time there... not bad... we ordered the half half set, include soup, salad, pizza & pasta for $16.80










nursed our stomache & we went shop around at ms awhile and i bought 2 top $45

then head to body shop sales... wah piang we q for ard 10mins to get in lor... i spent $75 lor...
my damage~~ i already tried my best to control myself lor...

saw another sales at suntec & went to have a look, bought choc, 2 for $13

then we decided to head off to chinatown, while walking to the mrt we saw contact lens solution booth, so Lin bought, its $19 but look so many free things, 2 extra solutions & 2 tissue box, so i bought also...haha... came home & found i only left with the small bottle of solutions... haha.. lucky~


me & Lin today very tired and we saw the massage shop & Lin wanted to have foot massage, but i dun wan, i hate foot massage, its so damn painful... so i tried the detox foot spa...

it started like this

and end up like this... so scary... haha.. but duno really it's that great or not lor... can't feel anything except some dead skin came off lor... haha

really damn tired today coz thur nite reached home so late then fri went work like a zombie, the tiredness continue today also & my contact lens on the right side is giving me problems, my eyes is so tired~~ and the things i bought today is so damn heavy... really scary lor spent so much today... but its still quite worth it..hehe

Congrats to you! =)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Yest after work went to celebrate John's birthday...
Had dinner at Fragrant Garden restaurant at serangoon, my boss bf's dad restaurant, wow.. dinner was great..
shark fin, abalone, fish, prawn etc.. can't remember liao but very full de lor... haha

head off to ktv at hougang plaza after dinner


from left to right...
cecilia-me-john's wife-john-james-christine

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mon lunch at MOF again...

wouldn't really eat this set again... the unagi is not very fresh bt the chicken is nice...

didn't really have a nice sleep, kept waking up... some more, tonight can't go back early...

Billy is changing job soon... haiz... when is he going to be sensible?
Even more stubborn than me...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

i'm sooo happy...
finally tudou is working for me...
have been having problems for weeks... finally i fixed the prob... muhaha... gota catch up my shows liao...

Friday, March 21, 2008

20 Mar 08
Ministry of Food @ Bugis







Dinner was great, decided to head there after lily's recomendation, nice ambience, fast service, quite enjoy myself. i like hw they left little notes with your food, like complimentary coupon & little tips to eating your desert, so cute...


moon sparkle by escada is sooo nice... i wana get one...
Siew Hua...


We know we're getting old when the only thing we want for our birthday is not to be reminded of it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

went to have my asthma test taken today and it's positive... Photobucket
it's mild persistent... so xian man
the nurse there taught me hw to use the pump bt i abit like not serious... gues i was too tired today... duno y so freaking tired.. some more nearly can't wake up, maybe dreaming whole night? maybe my nose was blocked the whole night? i duno...thn my colleagues was asking me y i so bad mood in the morning.. i'm fine just VERY TIRED...

anyway back to seeing doc.. before i went to the doc room i took my test 1st... need to blow something & kept blowing for at least 7 sec and i cannot breathe in air... wah piang so damn difficult lor.. few tries & i got the technique but i was so breathless after few tries till the comp even prom out that patient might be fatique due to many attempts.. me & the nurse laugh out xia... so after few tries the nurse say ok thn ask me to inhale the medicine into my lungs... another difficult thing coz all is so new to me... thn i finally inhale liao ask me to rest for 15mins thn take again the blow thingy... the 2nd time i went in just sit down the door open & a young male nurse asked whether want him to take over, lucky the nurse say no need... then he went off, i told the nurse lucky u say no need if not got a guy here so paisei lor... hahaha... we kept laughing inside the small room lor... so finally all is over & came out of the lab room feeling so drenched out... too much inhaling & blowing then went to see doc... aiyo.. i can't stand the doc leh... so girly, wondering is he a gay? hehe naughty me... then he kept after every sentence say u understand what i said? so freaking irritating...

haiz... so xian... nxt mth i got 2 medical appt... 1 for my thyroid and 1 for asthma... wah piang really wasting my leave man...

just watched finished ISWAK2 epi 14, aw... i shed tears when zhishu said 1 sentence on the ship when he went to serve army, he was missing xiang qin...
WOW... this sentence just touched deep down my heart...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

i manage to woke up today to get my xray, woke up ard 10am & reached ard 11am, today's waiting time was much shorter... my xray result came out normal =)
bt i told the doc i still coughing so she suggest to take asthma test, which is only available on mon to thur afternoon, wich means i gota take leave again +___+ "xian zhi pua"in hokkien pls...

present frm my boss frm her hk holiday

she wanted me to try so she gave me the travel pack

had a nice office talk with my colleagues yest =)

Friday, March 14, 2008



i'm so impressed with photobucket... the cartoon effect is so damn cool...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

my cough just don't stop... had x ray taken last fri, this week thn go back to see result, but frankly speaking i dun feel like going back... i was at AMK poly last fri and waited til 5pm thn get my ass out of it... so freaking long q. >___< i wana go back to geylang poly, at least no need wait so long lor...
went to have my hair cut at tpy

me in my pink pyjamas =) the lady help me blow straight my hair... so long nvr see myself in straight hair... haha

my lurves...

mon glenn came to our office, his school was closed on mon so lily bought him to office, he was sticking to me whole morning, lily took pm leave... he just love to be with me, lily told me last week glenn said he missed me... AW... SO SWEET... melting... i'm being missed by someone... hehe

back to work...

Sunday, March 02, 2008

wow... just 10mins after i blog, i received a msg, it's an MMS from the police on the JI suspect... speechless...
yo... wat a great weather
had woke up from my nap not too long ago... slept ard 4 hrs just for my nap...

woke up and switch on my tv, boring... nothing to watch so i switch to animal planet, and they were showing a documentary on an orphan killerwhale nicknamed Springer, she spent six months dodging ferries near Seattle, which she thought (the ferries) is her family after her mum passed away and she was lost with her family pod, she then became sick and how they nurse her back and finally she return to her own family pod and it was just so touched when her own family accepted her... it was just so touching that my tears just flows out...
wana see more on the article, link below

how's everyone CNY? must be a blast? for me.. it's the most boring CNY, never had so long holiday of CNY, 6 days - mostly spent at home... though feb is the shortest month of all, this year feb seems so long for me... well needless to say, i grew fatter & fatter...hehe...

our forwarded bought this Loy Hei to office, med size but the portion is so big lor... this yr i loy hei twice, hopefully will be a good year for me...

Billy brought me to Tamako at Meridien, photo taken with N73

its actually a very small restaurant

starters with sakae, 1st time i drink sakae... not too bad, nicer than my DOM..hehe


pork belly & chicken

bacon wrap with jin zhen gu

quail egg & chicken again... haha

actually i was so full with the loy hey in the late afternoon bt i still stuffed myself silly with the food... haha

my neighbour (colleague) bought the LG viewty... muhaha... the stick( someone advise me the actual name pls) looks like mini mascara, sooo cute...

btw, still rem my injured leg b4 new year? gosh.. i'm so damn clumsy coz i kept injuring it again... and it hurts, i'm still going for treatment now, got recomended by an ice-cream vendor that i frequent visit, and it's so near my house, the uncle learns qi-gong before, damn power... then he also help me massage on my right hand(my right wrist crack before & till now sometimes it gets painful), and my throat for my throid (my throat is still swollen even though i have stop my medication) yest i went, he help me massage & really the swell reduced, he say gota go back regulary for treatment for my leg, hand & throat... my god... even though is cheap lah, each session 20 nia... but add up is alot already lor... and the pain i have to bear is @____@
yest i went there i so damn paisei... haha.. i went there with an empty stomach, then halfway throught the massage, i felt giddy lor.. thn i tell the uncle, he say ok rest for awhile, thn offered me a cup of hot water, thn he place his both hands on my forehead and ask me to relax... awhile later i burp & vomitted...wahahaha but i became alright after that... i tink he did some qi gong on my forehead lor... haha... i learnt my lesson.. next time eat before going my treatment... so paisei..lucky no other customer at that time, if not so damn paisei...

caught andy on KBS music bank yest, so cute

it's still raining now... shiok weather =)