Monday, October 29, 2007

Last week was a disaster for me... i was down with fever on tue but i still went to work till wed, after work i reached home & just drop dead on my bed... 7pm went to the clinic at my house there... doc gave me 2 days mc but i still went back to work on fri... but really cannot make it so around 12+ i went home... still feeling feverish on sat but i still went toa payoh get some grocery... was feeling giddy so quickly get my things & went home... then sat nite i was feeling tummy aching... diarhoea.. gosh... then sun i realise its gastric pain also... wat a bad week for me...

Monday, October 22, 2007


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yummy... hehe


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i wana shave her long hair...

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acting 忧郁

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she lies on my tummy like tat kawaii...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

so tiring now... went to kusu island with mum & her 6 colleagues in the afternoon... stayed around 2 hrs... then came back went bugis pray again... then head to chinatown eat claypot rice... damn disapointing... the standard drop alot lor... haiz...

now my 2 thigh hurts... i guess i injured them while climbing the stairs up to Na Tuk gong... i tink it will hurt more badly tmr... >___<

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I wana get something i wanted very badly few months ago...hopefully i can get it by next mth...
less shopping for me...i hope..hehe

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a new side of Hyesung...

Uncle Ben came back on mon night, last min arrange dinner on tue night, lucky some really shift their appointment so at least we had a mini gathering... but was raining so damn heavily in AMK... anyway Genesis was so damn cute lor... loving her so much..muacks... she lie on my lap for like 5 mins with her head on my lap too ticklish... hehe..but she's soooo adorable, even my uncle loves her too... she's super friendly to everyone & hardly barks...and she will come by once in awhile to your side to catch ypur attention... isn't she cute...hehe

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Congrats to Ning Jie... her baby boy is out to see the world.. =)