Wednesday, January 03, 2007

今天是感动的 loh (^o^)
My uncle called me up from Shanghai today. Few days ago i emailed him asking him to buy me some korean drama, coz he is coming back next week, then yest heard frm my aunt, he actually injured his leg recently & therefore he is coming back to rest & now he need to walk with clutches, and i was like Oh gosh... i actually ask him to buy things back... was waiting for him to reply me thn i wana tell him don't buy the disc le, then i got his call this afternoon, he was at the video shop already coz the link i sent him doesn't seem to work at his side, so he ask me to tell him on the phone the title, and i was like HUH? i only know the english title leh... i don't really know the chinese title, so he passed the phone to the SA and we talk, i really duno the title so i asked her wats new, of the few show she told me, i only knew 2 show she talking about, but in the end i got 3 drama, haha... 1 of it was the one i looking for, the other 2, seriously i duno wat show is tat but she say nice so i ok lor...haha... so she pass the phone to my uncle back and i asked him if its ok for him to bring back, seems so troublesome & he said its touched... Thanks Uncle Ben, you are the best =)


Monday, January 01, 2007

2007年的第一天,就让我听到不是很好的消息。所以今天的 post 要献给 Jin


一直以来我们都当你是我们的家人了,感觉就像是多了个妹妹,我从来没有跟表弟们的女朋友这么好过,你是第一个,所以你是很特别的噢。 (^o^)



The real genius for love lies not in getting into, but getting out of love.

要加油噢,还有要好好照顾自己,有什么就 msg 我吧,要 keep in contact 噢
