Tuesday, April 25, 2006

How I celebrated my birthday? hm... nothing much though, met up with Lin, Xuan & Ah Hua and did abit shopping in the noon & caught Daisy at Cineleisure then went Heeren for dinner after that Ah Hua went back home first then we met Lin's friend and went to a pub to chill out, Lin surprise me with a cake... so sweet of her, Thanks Bud...even though it's only a slice but its the though that counts....(^0^)
And yes... before I forgot... I would like to Thanks all those who sent me bithday smses... thanks for remembering my birthday, it's always so sweet to have friends remembering my bithday. But I'm so sad that my Mum failed to call me up & wish me, she say she was working that day & forgot about it...

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@ Billy Bombers
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Happy Birthday to me

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Friday, April 21, 2006

I'm sick today, terrible sore throat, wake up & my throat hurts, so irritating... and the stupid block nose makes me nearly can't sleep, oh gosh i hate it when my throat hurts... anyway the med given by the doc quite good, my throat now doesn't hurt that much liao, the cough & flu med makes me sleep like pig, slept from 1pm to 6pm...
tmr's my BIRTHDAY.... =) well, haven't really plan where to go but will be meeting my galfriends... wana go where? wana do what? I have really no idea man... feel like go movies again coz really can't think of going anywhere, a movie & dinner maybe will be all, let's see how though...
well... your should have saw the Shinhwa pic i posted below? how? Yandao? hehe... that's the style for the new album coming out in may... the look drop dead gorgeous, aren't they?? (^0^) see how HS & Eric's smile...(melting) hehe...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

yest went to catch Eight Below...nice... cute, funny & touching, nearly cried at the last part, the husky is so beatiful and their determination to survive & wait for their owner to come back is so touching... next show i wana watch Take the Lead... seems nice too =) i have been continuously 3 weeks tue went to watch movie, 1st week watched Ice Age 2, 2nd wk watch Tristan & Isolde & yest Eight Below. hehe, all watch at Bishan... anyway watch wkday is so much cheaper lor... mon received my first birthday message for this year, very early right coz Janice will be in Japan on my birthday so she send me an early greeting... i also wana spend my birthday @ oversea at least once in my lifetime... i wana change my hp... stupid hp duno izit the keypad got problem or wat.. msg halfway then appear to main screen, and it happens almost everytime when i press the space button... so angry... i reply 1 msg got to at least type 4 to 5 times, so juz now i replied Lin's msg w/o typing the space bar "anditendsuplikethis". haha...she say i'm testing her eyesight... but no choice lor...
i've finally change my skin...(^0^) nice?? finally after so long.... hahaha...
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My Darling SHINHWA

Saturday, April 15, 2006

YOYO... how is everyone getting on? me? since i start this new job becoming more & more tired... 12 hrs work is not that fun though, come back from work feel very sleepy liao... off day also wana sleep at home xia...
anyway, my uncle came back frm Shanghai & got me my dvd...hehe so happy... ah hua juz came back frm holiday in HK & Janice is going Japan... AH...so angry...i wana go holiday too...but no $$ xia... haiz... when is Shinhwa new album coming out huh? idiot..they kept delaying the album...hm... izit bcoz of Eric oppa's injury? hopefully their album come out soon and come SG for their promotions... got news say they coming to Asia for concert, SG is one of the stop too...hopefully they will come... in another 1 wk i'm turning 24 liao...oh gosh...really feel so old liao leh but thinking still seems childish leh...haha... how huh? haiz... today's entry very random...well...i juz wrote whatever pop out on my mind lor...=)
my birthday wish for this year... i wana go HOLIDAY!!!!!