Sunday, November 27, 2005

happy birthday my love

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~~~Happy Birthday to you~~~

Yesterday my family day came out ok, went to pray my grandpa in the afternoon and catch Harry Porter after that, the movie was great, and the guy who died is so gorgeous, haha...and yeah..i saw E R I C samsung commercial again.. ^0^ happy... after that went amk for steamboat and ktv afterwards... enjoyed ourself at the ktv, the room was big coz we got 15 people...we sang, danced and laughed so happily, kind of forgot the unhappiness earlier...i just love family gathering even though it is a torture to organize it.

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Friday, November 25, 2005 mood just sucks...everything just seem not right +_+ esp my family day tmr is driving me crazy, everyone kept asking me meet what time, meet where, go where. WTF, yr never suggest go where then kept asking me how... ask your wana go where for dinner also kept saying anything... ARGH... so damn piss off and practically today talk to my family in a very bad tone... what i can say is i really very fed up lor... in the end finally managed to come out with a time to meet at my aunt house then after that think of where to go for dinner... already tired with my work still got to make me do this stuff... so tired now...anyway mon went to attend my ex colleague's I was thinking sometimes things really is fated lor... duno how to say lah, anyway Congrats...very tired now... juz now went for dinner with xuan... talk to her abt my work & my family day tmr... really very tiring today... ZZzzz....night sweetie

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Ah... I am really very lazy to blog these few days. even though i spent alot of time at home recently... just pure lazy. haha. anyway nothing much in particular happening, went to Parkway to return my uniform today, went makan my favourite char kway teow with Land and did some shopping...hehe.. i'm really broke man... oh yah fri i finally bought a korean drama which i waited for it to arrive in Sg for few months liao and i was so damn happy and i finish the show on sat noght..haha.. quite ok but not as nice as i expected maybe bcoz i have read each single episode online already so i roughly knew what they going to show next so the excitement is not there already. hm.. but the both guys inside the show is damn gorgeous...^0^
Feee... i like the testi u wrote for me...hehe.. thanks... take good care my dear...
ok got to go meet my prince charming in my dreamland. oyasumi...
written by Feee in my friendster...

+My Dearest Senior+

She's a kind and considerate person.Always thought me to be patient and not rush things. I look for her when I had something on mind,and in return,she gave me advices.
She's the kind of person,you would want to bring home with you. U know,like a genie in a bottle. U rub2,and he/she comes out. Yah.Like that.(haha)
I would go anywhere in a jiffy just to see her.Even if it takes flying a jetplane. U can always talk crappy things,cos it made her laugh sometimes. Ya still remember patrick? Hoho.She's never been serious,and yah,the only thing she ever complained about was the air con thingy at home. Haha. And if the korea vcd not yet released. Haha.
But Im glad I wasted a year of schooling just to work,cos if not,I wouldn't have met great people like her. She changed my life for the better,and I'll always remember the advices you gave me.

And yah,through her,I am definetely influenced by the Korean craze.
But ahh..not Eric or HS.Hee..

Take care! Muaaax.=)))