Wednesday, February 09, 2011

its a boy...
our family tradition... hahaha...
whatever la... healthy can liao =)

this yr CNY is a long holi... office closed from 2 - 8 feb....
super long... and mostly i slept throughout the holis... muhahaha
shiok man...

had a mini celebration in the office today... fun =)

i wonder hw much weight i have put on in a week.... hmm...

all right, time to slp...
nite my friends...

Thursday, February 03, 2011


this year we have new member in our family again....
a few more months down the road, everyone status is gona up one level... ^^
its 2.45am on 3 feb...
i'm painting my nails now... hahaha...
everyone... have fun & lets put on weight together ;)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

okay... just step into 2011, already got few big things gona happen this yr... hmmm...
all needs $$ TT__TT
gosh... big headache...
can let me strike 4D or nt.....

Saturday, January 01, 2011

unforgettable moment...

totally loving this expression~

still unbelievable expression...

he loves to do this action...

quite a number of ahjumma fans =)
Best New Actor award...

Friday, December 31, 2010


so so so happy for him...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

1 more day to the last of 2010

as usual every year there's up & down, happy & sad moments, laughter & tears...

2011 will be the last year being labelled as twenties...
time just passed by mercilessly

whatever it is.... am anticipating 2011...

please let it be beautiful & colourful...

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character;
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

it's been so long....
haven blogged for 2 months liao...
hehe... being lazy & busy lately...
so much has happened these 2 months...
some happy.. some unhappy...
but this is just part & parcel of life ya...

recently the busyness at work is not a joke... i wonder why everyday like so busy??? =(

oh ya, went to police station to make statement last wed, spent a freaking 3 hrs inside...
nearly fainted at there... lol
coz i was waiting to meet 1 of the officer, but she was engaged with the suspect at the moment, and i was made to wait outside the room, no aircon outside & the haze wasn't a joke, i felt so stuffy & uncomfortable during the 1 hr wait outside, feeling giddy & lucky i got called in before i really fainted... lol
well, the reason that i went to police st is bcoz we have someone bringing in fake headphones for exchange, got busted, and then the poor boy that kena bought the fake headphones online went to make a report, boss followed with the report & me being the one issuing the order got called in to make a statement.... the story of this case is long & complicated la... lazy to type... hehehe...
anyway it is still under investigation...

in desire for a break... sooooo tiring =(

went for a short R&R trip to BKK end of aug...

using the new rail link for the 1st time, easy & cheap (having promo during that time, now i duno hw much) =)

went for a full day tour... floating market, ride elephant, watch elephant & crocodile performance & rose garden (heritage tour)

baby ele welcome me with sand >_<>

went to this temple for the 1st time, went to pray & make coffin donation

the temple provides coffins to victims killed in accidents or murdered in the event that no one comes forward to make a claim or identify the body.
end here...
need to go sleep to prepare war again tmr =(

Saturday, August 21, 2010

this pic made my day...
finally the official first kiss for Adam couple ♥♥♥♥♥
sooooooooo cute...
kwon was so shocked that ga in really kissed him....

Friday, August 20, 2010

i really wish to taste the popcorn again...
let me find it this time round ya...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

argh... haven been sleeping well recently...
alot of dreams appeared during my sleep thus no good quality sleep
feeling fiesty >_<
the moment i open my mouth felt like provoking people....


Wednesday, August 04, 2010

last week walk a jog was a complete failure... haha
coz i only walk not jog.. hehehe... stomach was bloated and "big aunt" came to visit, thus my back aching =(

last sat was my review for asthma, waited nearly 1hr to see the nurse, damn fedup till i went to knock the door & check what's going on??? thn a nurse was inside attending to a patient, thn she saw me & apologise, so she knew someone was waiting very long outside lor... thn she explain she had few emergency cases, give her another 5 more mins & then ask me wait inside the room, i said it's okay, close the door & went to the ladies...
felt soooooo sleepy while waiting to see the nurse man... when i returned from ladies, i saw my number appear so i went in, this nurse damn loh soh... but still quite good, so after some check & qns she sent me to the doc, the 2 doc i like not in, so i just ask her send me to the room where nt much patient... so tired of waiting
luckily the doc din let me wait long, after i put my file in his room, he called my number in less than 3 min...
thn loh soh again etc...
initially wanted to go chinatown to get my $$ change, waited till so tired i gave up the idea, went home instead
bought lunch & watch some shw, around 2+pm i doze off... slept a straight 4 hrs of nap....
if not for the noise at the corridor, i might sleep even longer lor, i still woke up & scolded a boy for bouncing the stupid ball at the corridor...
damn it...
totally hate people playing or talking loudly at the corridor when i sleep or wtch tv

okay this week walk a jog is gona cancel
coz ceci is on leave tmr & i die die dun wana change to other day... hahaha
so i get a day off tmr... hohohoho...
i'm so tired -_-
feeling abit sick, might be down with flu soon
damn the weather
everynite i hide inside my quilt lor, so cold man... esp last sun, rain whole day...

ktv session this sun =)
long holiday ahead... woooohoooo cant wait man... haha
gona nap this sat again... hehehe...
have been napping for nearly a month every sat liao... hahaha
i love my sat =)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

i'm still feeling sleepy @_@

just woke up nt long from my nap, tried not to nap on sun, but can't really help, eyelids is just too heavy -_-
had a nap yest too =)
as what i have predicited on fri... i will slp through the weekends =D
nothing beats a good slp...
thur walk a jog session turns out well....
as it was raining in the morning, i was thinking will it gona rain during our walk a jog session too??? hehehe... i'm getting lazy =X
but the sky just wanted me to get out & do some exercise....
i still jog only 1 round... (that is why call walk A JOG) LOL
oh, buddy join us this week, we both damn lazy & tired so only manage to jog 1 round bt walk 5 round... ceci jog 3 round & walk 3 round...

fri claire took us out for lunch at this cute little cafe at katong call 'with a pinch of salt' for ceci's birthday treat... (see fb for all pics) some food is nice like caesar salad, escargots (tried for the 1st time in life) & choco lava, the main chicken cordon-blue, the chicken is abit too hard.. so nt very nice... =(
the choco lava is just heavenly yummy.... really... u have to try to know how nice it is... and it is priced at a reasonable $4.90

yummylicious =) wana go back have this again....
ard 3pm, we surprise ceci with a birthday cake...
the cake is really yummy too... haha..
met my 2 aunty for dinner on the same day.... tried the new penang cafe in amk jubilee...
we ordered char kway teow, hokkien prawn mee, another mee (forgt the name liao), stingray & fruit rojak, i feel only char kway teow & stingray nice nia....
too much food again recently... cant slim dwn leh =(

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

i shall officially name it:
i'm so lazy -_-

Thursday, July 15, 2010

1st session

had a walk cum run session today with ceci
wanted to go gym but the gym is closed for youth olympic usage so went stadium instead
we began with a walk on the 1st round, thn started jogging slowly on the 2nd round, halfway through i felt abit breathless liao, then it was ceci that reminded me have i taken the inhaler??shits... totally forgotten abt it... so went back to locker to get my inhaler, i had no coins so ceci also need to open her locker, coz of me... she dig out total $1.60 for the locker (40 cents per locker)
thn went back walk the 3rd round, halfway through felt abit giddy... so 4th round also walk... lol
ended with 4th round... then off to walk ard & meet ceci's bud for dinner at subway...
think i strain abit of the muscle on my thigh liao T_T
hope my body won't ache so much tmr....

nite friends...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

my new motto recently:
drag & drag...
hahaha... things that can be drag, i kept on dragging...
i know its bad, but i'm just simply toooooo lazy

Sunday, July 11, 2010

2AM in town
kwon is so short... omg...
dorky kwon is so adorable... hehe... love him in wgm... always prepare event for his lovely wifey... and his crazy stunts never fail to crack me up =D

Saturday, July 03, 2010

30th Jun 2010

a very shocking news in the morning:

i can't really believe my eyes...


Park Yong Ha???

1st thing in mind: WHY?

not as if he is not popular... what is it that makes him wana commit suicide... till now theres no answer, only HE has the answer to our question...

told hua, janice & lin abt this news

all so shock...

and then hua recalled me of the memories that we went to his autograph session in J8 before, it was 2003, during our ITE time, i think it was somewhere during the mooncake festival, coz i remembered we bought him mooncake to eat...
so that was the 1st & the last we saw of him...

my cd is still in good condition man... & luckily the signature never smudge

i still can't believe he is gone... just like this....
and until i saw the latest photo, the urn to keep his ashes, my tears stream down..

he is gone....really gone...

thanks for the nice songs & dramas u've shown us, i really enjoyed on air alot, so charming character =)

may you find peace & happiness wherever u are

Monday, April 19, 2010

finally after 8 mths, i'm going on a vacation... a birthday vacation.. never had a birthday vacation before... hehehe... and it's a dream vacation that i always wanted to visit...

*pray for a warmer weather*

Sunday, April 18, 2010

my undying love for cakey =)

had a nice evening with my pals yesterday... =)

it's tmr ya... wooohoooooo

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

today totally no appetite....
3 glass of milo & a bao for breakfast & lunch...
tat damn wind inside my stomach is totally affecting my appetite for few days already...
finally hungry when its about time to knock off... bought fishball soup for dinner...
totally needed something hot
pls get well by tmr... i've got lunch & dinner appointment...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

is everyone & everything okay?
have been so lazy & busy to blog recently... hehehe
feb & march just gone by like flash... woohoo.. it's apr

billy's wedding was much fun than i expected... hehehe...
my lil brother is a married man now... bt wait.. still so unmatured... haha... okay la, gt grow up abit liao la... lol


8 more days to escape to lala land...
hope my body is able to accept the cold weather... *prays*
spending my birthday in everland... nice =)

till my next post... take good care!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

stuffs that xuan got me

have been neglecting my blog for awhile... i'm so busy this month man... finally after sun event, this busy month will be over le... time for some rest liao...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

“Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own.”

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

好累 好累 好累噢!!!
bestow me strength to carry on...

can't believe this sunday is CNY liao... OMG...
time passed by like flash...

can't wait for my holis... will be spending my birthday overseas this year... yahoooooo
APR come faster ya...

oh ya... ceci & lily both agreed my temper change for the better liao.. hehe.. a good start... hopefully it will get better & better... hahaha
bt the black face is still my signature la... haha... just tat temper goes away easier/faster... in the past whn i bad mood, my face just goes bad whole day, nw a few hrs... haha... improve liao la... lol...

till my next post... take care friends...

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Saturday, February 06, 2010

went to review my asthma this morning, nurse anna and dr.siska that attended to me was great =) felt comfortable talking to anna, talk to her like a friend, she is o friendly =) dr siska looks young, told her the sharp pain i encounter recently on my chest and my now very sensitive face, haven been experiencing dryness & itchiness for awhile liao, thn she gave me gel to use for my chest & a cleanser & steroid for my face...
oh ya... i manage to slim down near 2kg since my last visit 3 months ago... hehehe.. HAPPY...

will be meeting the gals later for dinner, feel like taking a nap nw... sleepy @_@

Friday, February 05, 2010

early in the morning kena knock by a car, fucker driver... hope u get into accident soon... bloody idiot

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

sooooooo exhausted....
when is this gona end????
very busy feb >_<

*have been sipping some cold drinks recently, weather too unbearable, end up abit breathless again =(